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How to Use Fabric Softener in Top Load Washer

Many of us love fabric softener for the softness and fresh scent it can bring to our clothes while eliminating static cling. But different washer setups and concern over the right amount to use can lead to time-consuming speculation. We’ll discuss how to use fabric softener in top load washer both with and without a dispenser, as well as the correct amounts.

Using Fabric Softener in Top Load Washer: A How-To Guide

The simple act of adding fabric softener to laundry can have several variables to consider. How do you properly use your machine’s fabric softener dispenser? How do you use fabric softener if your top loader doesn’t have a dispenser? Lastly, how much should you actually use?

Our guide takes the guesswork out of using fabric softener in top load washer so you get the results you want.

Top-Load Washer with Dispenser

When you have a dispenser, where to put fabric softener in a top load washer is fairly straightforward. We suggest these simple steps:

  1. Locate the washer’s dispenser. This is typically inside the washer at the top of its central column.
  2. Measure the correct amount for your laundry load using the fabric softener cap and pour it into the dispenser.
  3. Allow the wash cycle to continue. The fabric softener will automatically dispense during the spin cycle.

Top Load Washer without Dispenser

It can be difficult to know when to add fabric softener in the washing machine without a dispenser. If you add the fabric softener at the beginning of the wash cycle, it will likely be washed away before doing its job.

When adding fabric softener in top load washer without a dispenser, simply pour it in during the rinse cycle. We suggest pouring it into the washer tub’s water instead of directly on clothing to avoid staining. Use the amount that best corresponds to the size of your laundry load by measuring with your fabric softener cap.

How Much Fabric Softener Should I Use?

Did you know that too much fabric softener could lead to a buildup of harmful residue in your top load washer? Without regular cleaning, this residue could lead to an overgrowth of smelly mould and mildew. Yet, using too little fabric softener in top load washer won’t produce the desired effects on clothes.

Knowing how much fabric softener to use in a top load washing machine starts with the cap. The fabric softener cap has lines that measure out the correct amount of softener for medium, large, and extra-large loads. Simply pour out the amount that best corresponds to your size load.


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